Call for abstracts/artworks #1 – 2019


The Call for Abstract/Artworks is open (and not limited) to:

*Scholars of many disciplines

For Full details check the FB NOTE (https://www.facebook.com/notes/urban-corporis/call-for-abstractsartworks-urban-corporis-the-city-and-the-skin/1245734668923984/) or visit www.iuvas.org and www.generazioneurbana.it

Brief Summary:

Sanders Architects state that «as humans and biological elements, building have a skin. […] The skin has a responsibility to protect the contents, much like our skin protects us. It also makes a bulging unique, recognisable. […] Given these complex duties, skin […] show[s] the “body” of the volumes».[1]

In this Urban Corporis volume, “The city and the skin”, we ask the authors to read, define and interpret the role of the skin as a facade, as a protection, as a compositional image of urban revelation. Without formal restrictions, without ethical preconceptions: the skin as part of the building designed to mediate the relationship. The architectural skin, understood as the technological system of delimitation between architectural space and unbuilt environment, can be analyzed as a boundary system between interior and exterior, the most evident expression of the identity of an artifact. In this dual role of border and interface, receptive as active, the skin of an architecture (seen also through art) is charged with a double value: an element of covering and protection and, at the same time, a tool of relationship and interface, in fact, towards the external world.

*General instructions for abstract submission*

***To submit your abstract click the link to google form and fill/upload the mandatory fields.

*Italians Speakers may send the abstract in italian language.

*Full papers must be in English.

***link: https://goo.gl/forms/PMjBXQ2CCAEahCgE3


1 – Theories (paper)
Papers • abstract max 300 words • max 2 images example as attachment

A. Under the skin of the city – soil, subsoil, thresholds.
B. Facades. technology and biology.
C. “The atmospheric ‘skin’ of the city”. [2]

2 – Aesthetics (images)
reportage, artworks, collages, sketches, drawings (min. series of 3 for each author) • abstract max 300 words

A. The skin of the city (artworks).
B. Signs, scratches, urban tattoos.
C. Metropolitan art

Abstract submission deadline: 15/04/2019
Acceptance response: 29/04/2019

[1] Sander Architects, https://www.sander-architects.com/…/Building-Skin-Whats-In-…

[2] Confront https://journals.openedition.org/ambiances/399